SAISD’s Long Range Plan for Technology–aligned to State and National Standards–proposes a Technology Integration Lead Teacher (TILT) Program. The TILT Program enables teachers to learn how technology can transform teaching and learning.
Educators eligible to participate in TILT include: Teachers, campus administrators, librarians, district teacher specialists in a core content area and/or Bilingual/ESL, district senior coordinators in a core content area and/or Bilingual/ESL
Not eligible: Counselors, nurses, paraeducators due to funding source and course content.
An excerpt from the Texas LRTP:
All professional educators (including teachers, administrators, and librarians) must master the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) Technology Applications standards, which are currently mandated for all beginning teachers. Teachers must first have access to technology, quality professional development, and time to implement new strategies in their classroom. Professional development opportunities must be provided to ensure that educators have the Technology Applications skills identified by the SBEC Technology Applications Standards, especially those skills that support lesson planning, classroom management, and administrative tasks.
Professional development opportunities for educators must be available 24/7 to all educators through a variety of delivery methods, including online and other distance learning technologies. . .With sustained leadership and support, this initiative can move teachers from Early or Developing Tech on the Teacher STaR Chart to Advanced or Target Tech. This initiative should be responsive to the needs of teachers by providing content-focused strategies and technology tools appropriate for each subject area and grade level.
In regards to No Child Left Behind, Title 2, Part D (Enhancing Education through Technology), the focus is also on ensuring that “teachers in schools served by the agency are effectively integrating technology and proven teaching practices into instruction.”
In the context of the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology and NCLB Title 2, Part D, it includes specifically teachers, administrators, and librarians.
In the District’s 2007-2010–State approved technology plan–the following points provide for the Technology Integration Lead Teacher (TILT) Program. Note that correlations to the Long Range Plan for Technology are included beneath each strategy:
2.1.4: Implement a technology competency certification plan (TCCP) aligned to SBEC Technology Competencies for Teachers (I-V), the Levels of Technology Implementation, and STaR Chart that leads to Technology Lead Teacher Certification.
LEA LRPT Correlates: EP06, I09, LAS01, LAS02, LAS03, LAS04, LAS12, TL02, TL12
2.1.5: Establish a technology lead teachers (TLT’s) program as funding and availability of candidates permits.
LEA LRPT Correlates: EP03, EP06, I09, LAS01, LAS04, TL02, TL12
Step 1: Indicate your interest and complete a short questionnaire.
Step 2: Participate in the Introduction to Online Learning course – During this time period, TILT participants will have a chance to participate in an Introduction to Online Learning. This week-long course, if completed successfully, will earn you 6 hours of CPE/GT credit, even if you decide not to participate in the TILT Program at its completion. Upon successful completion of the Introduction to Online Learning course, you are eligible to participate in the Levels of Teaching Innovation (LOTI) Lead Teacher Certification course.
Step 3: Participate in the LOTI Lead Teacher Online Course – This course will last 10 weeks and involve approximately a 2-3 hour commitment per week on your part. Participants will also be expected to develop a project to share at the end of the 10 weeks, for which they will receive a $500 stipend.
Participants who begin and complete this program are eligible for the TILT incentives, including the $500 project stipend, LOTI Lead Teacher Certification, and the following: Macbook Laptop, Digital Projector, FLIP Video Camera, and a Digital Audio Recorder.
Step 4: Submit a TILT Project. This is a lesson plan at a LOTI 4+ that includes a sample of student work, a rubric for assessing that work and a District curriculum framework connection. It is also expected that you will authorize yourself to be videotaped and interviewed for display on the District web site, and complete the LOTI Lead Teacher Project.
Participants in TILT will be granted the following incentives totalling $2100:
LOTI Lead Teacher Certificate
Digital Projector
Dell Latitude 2100 Netbook Computer ($400)
FLIP Video Camera
Digital Audio Recorder
A wiki page where you can post your projects and work.
And that does not include the $500 project stipend available if you complete the LOTI Lead Teacher Project!
Seats are going fast for future cohorts. Even if there isn’t a seat available now, be sure to indicate your interest and complete the Introduction to Online Learning course so that you can get on the waiting list.
Available IOL Courses in ePath
Please log into ePath (http://saisdepath.pbworks.com/) and search for our next available 'Virtual Learning Series: Introduction to Online Learning' course (keyword: IOL).
Call the Office of Instructional Technology at 210-527-1400, if you have any questions.
- Cohort 1, Completed Spring 2008
- Cohort 2, Completed Summer 2008
- Cohort 3, Completed Spring 2009
- Cohort 4, Pending - September, 2009
- Cohort 5, Pending - February, 2009
- Cohort 6, Pending - September, 2010
- Cohort 7, Pending - February, 2011
- Cohort 8, Pending, September, 2009
- Cohort 9, Pending, February, 2011
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